How to Provide Career Training

Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL)

To provide career training to participants in Monterey County, your training organization must be listed on the State of California’s Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL). The ETPL is a comprehensive database designed to gather and display useful information on training providers, their services, and the quality of their programs. All training providers must be listed on the ETPL to receive Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds for training services provided to adults and dislocated workers.

Once registration is approved, providers can add and maintain training programs through CalJOBSSM. Providers that offer identical programs in multiple areas should only apply to the local WDB area where their headquarters is located. Reference the Provider Services Guide.

To find an approved training provider listed on the ETPL through CalJOBSSM, visit, and click on any of the “Learn More” links and then select Education Services for a menu of options.

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How to Apply to the ETPL

students working with a drill pressTraining providers interested in applying for ETPL eligibility and providing training opportunities to career training eligible customers in Monterey County must complete all documents in the checklist below:

Signed ETPL Master Agreementwith the following exhibits:

Signed Authorized Signature Form

Certificate of Liability Insurance

Complete Vendor Data Record and CA Form 590 or CA Form 587 online.

Copy of one of the following criteria:

    • Current Status of Approval to Operate or Verification of Exemption by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE). (This information can be obtained on the BPPE website.)
    • Proof of Accreditation
    • Postsecondary Status
    • Apprenticeship Status (All registered apprenticeship programs that are registered with the Department of Labor, or recognized by the California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Apprenticeship Standards are automatically eligible to be included on the ETPL)
    • Pre-Apprenticeship Skills Training Status
    • Approval by the California Department of Education or
    • Approval by the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges.

Current Annual Report with performance criteria or document of reported outcomes.

Current catalog with list of programs, prices, refund policy, training hours and financial aid information.


Mail all the documents listed above with original signatures to:

Attn: ETPL Coordinator
Monterey County Workforce Development Board
344 Salinas Street
Salinas, CA 93901

For additional information, please refer to the WIOA Eligible Training Provider List Policy and Procedures.

For more information, call (831) 796-6434 and ask to speak to our ETPL Coordinator or email