Plans and Reports
Local/Regional Plan
Local Plan 2021-2024
The Monterey County WDB’s Four-Year Local Plan 2021-2024 reflects the current and future strategies that the WDB will use to address the continuing innovation of the workforce system and creation of a customer-centered system: where the needs of business and workers drive workforce solutions; where the America’s Job Center of California / One-Stop Career Centers provide excellent customer service to all jobseekers and businesses; and where the workforce system supports strong regional economies, as well as alignment with State and local priorities, and the Coastal Regional Planning Unit’s efforts to align education and training provider services with regional industry sector needs.
Draft Local Plan Two-Year Modification – Program Years 2021-2024
Regional Plan 2021-2024
The Coastal Regional Planning Unit’s Four-Year Regional Plan 2021-2024 includes the Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, San Luis Obispo County, and Santa Barbara County workforce development areas. This regional plan articulates the Coastal Region’s efforts to align education and training provider services with regional industry sector needs as required under the WIOA.
Draft Regional Plan Two-Year Modification – Program Years 2021-2024
America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM MOU
In accordance with Section 121(c) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been developed and executed between the Monterey County Workforce Development Board and the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC) One-Stop System partners to establish an agreement concerning the operations of the AJCC/One-Stop delivery system.
The purpose of the MOU is to establish a cooperative working relationship between the parties and to define their respective roles and responsibilities in achieving the policy objectives. The MOU also serves to establish the framework for providing services to employers, employees, job seekers and others needing workforce services.