Green Cadre Eligibility Form Green Cadre Eligibility Form (June-September 2024) Name of Staff Person Completing Eligibility Form:(Required) I. Participant InformationName(Required) First Last Email Address:(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Primary Phone Number(Required)Alternate Phone NumberBirthdate (Month/Day/Year)(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY The participant is between 18-30 years of age.(Required) Yes The participant resides in Monterey County, CA.(Required) Yes Participant's address(Required) Street Address Apt/PO Box City/Town State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Check all that apply:(Required) Participant has not participated in an AmeriCorps program Participant has participated in a community service project before Participant has difficulty finding employment Participant is considered low-income Participant is unemployed and/or out of school Participant is or was justice-involved Participant is in or transitioning from foster care Participant is engaged with the mental health or substance abuse system None of the above apply to participant Is participant currently employed?(Required)YesNoIf yes, where is participant employed? Have participant ever had a job before?(Required)YesNoIf yes, please list the names of the businesses the participant has worked at: Has participant ever participated in a job training program?(Required)YesNoIf yes, please list the name of the program(s): What is the highest grade participant has completed?(Required)7th grade8th grade9th grade10th grade11th grade12th gradeGED/High School Equivalency DegreeSome collegeGraduated collegeDid participant graduate High School?(Required)YesNoHow did participant learn about Green Cadre Program?(Required) Monterey County Works Representative Flyer Social Media Presentation Other Is participant able to lift 25 pounds?(Required)YesNoII. Photo ReleaseParticipant agrees that as a participant in the Monterey County Work’s programs and/or services, the use of any photographs taken that include my image or likeness may be used for any legal use including, but not limited to, publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising, social media, and web content. Furthermore, participant understands that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.(Required)(Required) Participant agrees III. CertificationParticipant certifies that all of the above information is correct to the best of their knowledge.(Required) Participant agrees Please note that once selected, participant's wages will be paid by the Monterey County Workforce Development Board. To that end, participant will have to complete their paperwork and enrollment process. Please confirm that participant understands.(Required) Participant understands Does participant have any of these documents? (Check all that apply)(Required) Birth Certificate Social Security Card Passport High School Transcript / Report Card State ID or Driver's License Right to Work Card None of the above