Green Cadre
Help your community while getting paid!
Join the Green Cadre program and get paid while helping your community.
For young adults, ages 18-24, there are two Green Cadre program tracks: Explore & Restore and Feeding Monterey County.
We also provide a combined program that addresses both environmental and food needs in Monterey County.
Explore & Restore
Help your community by working on environmental and natural resource management projects, including:
- Park and trail maintenance
- Tree planting
- Habitat restoration
- Wildfire mitigation and protection
- Other conservation projects
Feeding Monterey County
Help your community by working on projects that address the food needs of at-risk Monterey County residents, including:
- Community gardens
- Food distribution
- Analyzing and identifying Monterey County food deserts
- Identifying solutions for food waste
- Other projects that address healthy eating and healthier living
Combined Program
Help your community by working on environmental and community service projects, including:
- Park and trail maintenance
- Wildfire mitigation and protection
- Food banks/community gardens
The Green Cadre programs are powered by #Californians4All Youth Jobs Corps